Labor Groups Endorse Michael Bennet’s Reelection Campaign

News | Press Releases | 09.6.22

Five major labor groups in Colorado have endorsed Michael’s campaign so far because of his commitment to fighting for workers in the US Senate.

DENVER ⁠⁠—  As Colorado’s US Senator, Michael Bennet has long supported workers’ rights, including collective bargaining efforts, raising the minimum wage, and expanding access to skills training and registered apprenticeships. Due to his work fighting for workers’ rights and working families in the US Senate, four Colorado labor unions and the Colorado AFL-CIO, a federation of 180 local and international unions, have endorsed his reelection campaign.

“Senator Bennet has been a champion for the service workers who keep Colorado running,” said Stephanie Felix-Sowy, President of SEIU Local 105. “From advocating for greater protections for our home health and direct care workers to raising standards for janitors and passenger service agents at our airports, working people have a voice in Congress with Senator Bennet.”  

The following labor groups have endorsed Michael’s reelection campaign so far this cycle:

Michael has joined labor groups and workers on the campaign trail around the state to discuss the issues they face, what he’s working on in the Senate to support their livelihoods, and what he hopes to accomplish in the Senate if he’s reelected this November. 

“Michael’s efforts in the Senate to support workers’ rights and working families speaks directly to his way of getting things done for Colorado,” explains David Ramon Ortiz, a political coordinator on the Bennet campaign. “Hearing and learning from Coloradans directly helps guide his understanding of how to best advocate for their needs and this long-list of endorsements from both national and statewide labor groups proves Michael’s commitment.”

From voting to protect collective bargaining rights to advocating for policies that help workers live with dignity and respect, Michael’s work on protecting labor rights is extensive:

  • Collective Bargaining: Michael co-sponsored the Protecting the Right to Organize (“PRO”) Act, which would improve workers’ rights to organize and negotiate for better working conditions, boost wages and benefits, and strengthen our economy. 


  • Living wage: Michael is working to make sure every Coloradan can graduate from high school able to get a good job and earn a living wage. He co-sponsored the Raise the Wage Act to raise the federal minimum wage.


  • Support for fair pay and benefits: The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was the first bill Michael voted for as a Senator and he supports the Paycheck Fairness Act to eliminate the gender wage gap. 


  • Bringing jobs back from overseas: Michael helped pass the CHIPS and Science Act that will boost U.S. manufacturing of the chips that power our phones, computers, and cars. He also passed the Inflation Reduction Act to expand domestic manufacturing of clean energy, like solar and wind. We also passed the infrastructure bill which will create good-paying jobs around Colorado to improve our roads and bridges, and expand access to high-speed internet, particularly in rural and underserved areas. 


  • Economy that works for everyone: Michael is working to build an economy that when it grows, it grows for everyone. That means expanding access to skills training and registered apprenticeships, passing policies to give every worker access to paid family and medical leave, and making sure the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share. 

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